Buying furniture – Measure twice – Buy once!

sofas, linda moffitt interior design, colour, texture, furnitureBuying furniture -  measure twice - buy once.  It is easy to fall in love with a sofa, coffee table or armchair before checking or double checking the measurements of the space you have at home.

Buying furniture - Measure twice - buy once!

At home, take a minute with your measuring tape and measure your space. When you hit the shops you will know exactly what size you need and more importantly what size will fit your space. Measure twice - buy once. This means that when you buy the 'perfect piece' of furniture it is comforting to know that it will fit into the allocated space.  A substantial amount of money can be spent by buying on impulse before considering the size of the space. Avoid making an expensive mistake by taking a few simple steps before going shopping.

Top tips for buying furniture

1. Measure the space in which the new piece of furniture has to fit........buying furniture - measure twice - buy once!
2. Consider the width, height and depth of the area available, note these dimensions on paper or into your phone for easy access later.
3. In your room is there is a window, door or radiator to be considered? If the new piece of furniture covers any of these does it matter? Think about advantages and disadvantages. e.g. will heat be restricted if you cover the radiator?
4. Do you require space either side of the sofa for a side table? Can you reach the window to open curtains or blinds?
5. Take photos of your space and bring these to the shops to remind you of some of the details along with the precise measurements you have taken.
6. Consider contacting an interior designer for expertise and advice, in that way money can be spent wisely.

Click here to see an example of furniture in a home we worked on in Sligo.